Domain registrars:

A domain registrar is a (business) organization that is accredited by one or more generic top-level domain name registry, sponsored top-level domain name registry or coutry code top-level domain name registry to make the reservation, registration and renewal of domain names for the public.

DNS hosting is also necessary for a registered internet domain name to function properly, but most domain registrars offer this as a free service for the domains registered through them.

For more information about the domain names, domain name extensions and domain registries, please visit IANA. By clicking this link, you will find a list of ICANN-Accredited Registrars. For ccTLD accredited registrars, you will have to visit the appropriate country code top-level domain name registry's url for registration services.

List of supported domain registrars:

* All company names, brand names, trademarks and logos are the property of their respective owners.

Recommended registrar:

Domain name registration process:

For a successful non-restricted domain name registration the only thing you need is a credit card and your personal information. The easier way is to perform a availability lookup with our instant domain name search tool, click the 'register now' button and follow the instructions on the website.

Otherwise, select a registrar (from the list on the left) that you like. On their website you will have to create an account (if you already do not have one) with a username and password. After a successful login usually on the registrars main page you will find a search form, where you need to enter the desired name and select the extension to perform a domain availability search.

Follow the instructions on the page to complete the registration proces (put the domains in the shopping cart) and click the checkout button. Here you will have to enter the details for the domain name such as the owner and technical contact information. These should be your private data. At the end of the process you will be asked to enter the credit card information and that ends the domain name registration process.

After receiving a successful domain registration confirmation e-mail, the majority of the registrars offers a special online interface where you can set the nameservers and redirections for your domain name.


Website hosting services:

To get your website online and working, beside the domain name and DNS hosting service (usually provided by the registrar) you will need a website hosting service. There are several type of hosting services.

The most common hosting option that most website owners want is the simplest and cheapest web hosting plan that usually allows users to run PHP and ASP scripts and allows the usage of one ore more SQL databases.

Virtual private server hosting is one physical server divided into multiple virtual servers. In this case each user sees the server as his own and can run websites that needs more resources. These servers can run own operating system and the user has full controll over the virtual machine.

A dedicated server hosting is one physical server dedicated for one user only and ment for websites that extensively use server resources. Naturally VPS and dedicated hosting accounts can host multiple websites on the same server (and some of the cheapest website hosting services offer this option as well).
